
The Lansing Chapter was originally organized in September, 1939 as 2nd chapter in Michigan and 10th overall in the Society. This predated the organization of the “Michigan District” in June 1940 (which later became the Pioneer District, the first district in the barbershop society).
The Lansing Chapter re-organized on December 7, 1940 and was re-chartered. Thus, the Lansing Chapter is now listed as the 21st chapter in Society and 5th in the district. Meetings held in Lansing’s Hotel Olds, with charter members Edward Schwoppe, Max Henkel, Al Buthbert, M.H. Frimodig, Park Hammond, Cecil Nickel, Harold
McAttee, Walter Schutt, Edmond Shields, Rudy Loudenslager, Herb Henry.
As with most of the early chapters, the chapter centered around quartet activities. This has gradually shifted towards some individual quartets within the chapter as well as a chapter chorus, now called the Capitol City
Lansing held it’s first annual show listing in 1944. For many years, the annual shows were in a “Parade of
Quartets” format with great quartets from around the state as well as local quartets. Many shows were held at
Eastern High School until moving to the Wharton Center in 1982 to present.
Twenty Four International Quartet Champion quartets have appeared on Lansing’s annual shows, plus many
other top ten quartets and many other comedy quartets.
Pioneer District Hall of Fame members from the Lansing Chapter include: John Hill (1975), Don Funk (1981),
Harold McAttee (1989), Stan Williams (2001), Larry Parker (2002), Brian Dunckel (2014), and Don Kill
Pioneer District Presidents from the Lansing Chapter include: Don Funk (1974-75), Larry Parker (1996-97),
Bruce Smith (2004-2005), Brian Dunckel (2008-2011), Mike Hansen (2016 - Present)
Capitol City Chordsmen
Pioneer District Champions in 1973, 1996, 1999, 2007
Gold Division Winner (1986, 1985, 1983)
Plateau Winner: Plateau IV (1990), Plateau V (1992, 1994, 1995, 2002) Plateau VI (1996),Plateau II (2010,
2012, 2013, 2016)
Most Improved Chorus 1993, 2001
Pioneer District Quartet Champions: Merri-Men (1951), The Vagabonds (1969), Full Chord Press (1993),
Firepower! (1995), Something Big!! (2008), Resisting-A-Rest (2009)
Pioneer District Senior Quartet Champions: New Wrinkle (2001), The Patch Chords (2006), Weekend Agenda
(2007), Resisting-A-Rest (2008), Carte Blanche (2010)
Pioneer District Senior Quartet International Champions: Resisting-A-Rest (2010)
Pioneer District Regular Quartet Rep to International: Songmasters (1949, 4th place Medalist), Merri-Men
(1956, Finalist), Vagabonds (1971-78 with multiple medals and 2nd place in 1976), Full Chord Press (1993),
Firepower! (1995, 96, 98),
Pioneer District Senior Quartet Representative to International: Resisting-A-Rest (2008 - 2010), Carte Blanche
(2011), Rolls Voyce (2014)
Pioneer District College Quartet Representative to International: Harmonious Shenanigans (2007), Harmony
101 (2008), Wavelength (2013), G-Fours (2014)
Buckeye Invitational Mixed Quartet Champions: Sidekicks ( )
Bush League Champions: Range Finders (1972), The Patch Chords(1976), Something Big!!(2006), Growlers
(2010), The Blendy Boys (2011)
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