About Capitol City Chordsmen

The Capitol City Chordsmen is a barbershop men's chorus from Lansing, Michigan. We have members from all around Mid-Michigan and have men of all ages!

The Capitol City Chordsmen aspire to excellence within the society, and we expect to execute every aspect of our craft in a quality way and while in the process, conduct ourselves so that we are a source of pride to the Barbershop Harmony Society, our community, and our families.

Our activities include organized quartets, tag singing, socializing, and good fellowship, but we are all performers in the chorus with the responsibility of providing quality barbershop entertainment to our audiences. Our chorus works continuously to improve our singing and presentation.

We were the Pioneer District Champs in 1972, 1996, 1999, 2007.
We were the District's Most Improved Chorus.in 2002 and 2019.

Click HERE to watch our history video.
Copyright © 2025 Capitol City Chordsmen